Pastor Richard's Corner
August 2024
In some places summer never seems to end. That is clearly not the case up here in the high country. Before we know it, we will turn the page on this season and fall will be upon us. Have you taken the time to thank God for the plentiful moisture this season!
God continues to build His church as only He can. I am so grateful for a congregation that serves God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. As we remain faithful to Him and keep doing what we know He’s called us to do, we can trust Him to continue to show His favor on VBF. I truly believe our best days as a church are ahead of us!
I am really excited about the King and Kingdom event at the bluff on Aug 31st! We have partnered with other local churches for this “outreach event” that historically has more than 1,000 folks come through. We will also have a combined Sunday service under the big tent on Sep 1st. Please be in prayer that the Holy Spirit will move mightily in our midst.