Our online directory is a safe, password-protected system that we hope can be user-friendly and provide an up-to-date representation of our church family.
How to create an account and view the directory:
(For additional instructions with screenshots, click here)
1) Go to the sign-in page.
2) Under "First Time Signing In?" click on "Create Login"
3) Enter your email address and create a password (the email address you use must be one we have listed for you in the directory)
4) Go to your email inbox, where you should find an email from Instant Church Directory. Verify your email address by clicking the link provided in that email.
5) The link will take you back to the directory sign-in page. Log in with your email address and the password you just created.
6) Once you are logged in, you should see the "Members" page of our directory. You can scroll through the list of families on the left, clicking on each to view more information, and you can navigate through the other tabs (Staff, Birthdays, etc.)
How to get in the directory:
If you are not currently in the directory and would like to be, please send the following information (where applicable) to vbfnews@gmail.com:
Email Address
Phone Number(s)
Home Address
Children's Names and Birthdays
Family Picture (if you have one)
How to edit your information in the directory:
If any of your information in the directory is incorrect, or if you need to update it, including if you'd like to update your picture, please send an email to vbfnews@gmail.com.